Trinitas Visional: Trio Surgawi Ellen G. White dan Adventisme Kontemporer




Visional Trinity, Heavenly Trio, Adventism, Catholic and Historic Trinitarianism, Monarchianistic Tritheism


Ellen G. White is highly esteemed in Adventism as an infallible interpreter of Scripture. She is also famous for a concept she referred to as the "Heavenly Trio." This term is not merely a neologism, but rather an indication that its conceptual content is fundamentally different from the general and historical formulations of Trinitarianism. Nevertheless, the Seventh-day Adventist Church continues to identify itself as a Trinitarian Christian Church. Contemporary Adventist theologians also refer to Ellen's "Heavenly Trio" as a "Biblical Trinity." After thoroughly researching and analyzing her primary sources, we reject the label "Biblical Trinity" for Ellen's "Heavenly Trio," which we believe is more accurately described as a "Visional Trinity." We also reject the term "Trinitarian Christian" for Ellen's position, which has been passed down in contemporary Adventism. The concept of Ellen's "Heavenly Trio," which is labeled as a Biblical Trinitarian view in contemporary Adventism, should, in essence, be classified as a form of Monarchian Tritheism.


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How to Cite

“Trinitas Visional: Trio Surgawi Ellen G. White Dan Adventisme Kontemporer”. JURNAL LUXNOS 10, no. 2 (December 28, 2024): 195–213. Accessed January 25, 2025.