Kajian Teologis Terhadap Pesta Rambu Solo’
Rambu Solo' , Death, Culture, Toraja, BibleAbstract
The rambu solo' ceremony or feast of the dead in the tradition of the Toraja people is a cultural heritage that enriches and creates its own uniqueness. However, its practice has caused many polemics, especially from the perspective of Christian theology. The purpose of this research is to find out how Torajan Christians actually react to the Rambu Solo' celebration. This is what will be discussed in this research. This research uses a qualitative approach. The results of this study show that the concepts contained in the teachings of the Bible are contrary to the concepts behind the Rambu Solo ritual. Toraja Christians have long deliberately compromised and taken the entire Rambu Soloâ festival ritual as a matter of course. The compromise itself can be said to be intentional because it is certain that the Word of God shows the differences and conflicting concepts between the two.
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