Tinjauan Historis Dogmatik Terhadap Pandangan Agustinus Tentang Baptisan Percik Dan Selam Serta ImplikasinyaBagi Gereja Kristen Masa Kini
Augustine, Historical Theology of Dogmatics, Baptism of Splashes and Diving, ChurchAbstract
The problem in Christianity, especially about baptism, has started from the early Christian era to the Reformation and even today, it is related to baptism, splashes and diving. This study seeks to observe the baptismal theology of Augustine, a theologian from the Latin Church who had a great influence on the history of the Church, and even the Protestant Reformation of 1517 is said to be a re-excavation of Augustine's thought, and ultimately contributed to the Christian church today. Augustine believed that baptism destroys the power of sin, but also baptism unites believers to Christ. In connection with baptism, Augustine said that the Word was added to the element (water), without the Word, water was just plain water. Through Augustine we learn that it is not the water of baptism, the age of baptism and the model of baptism that saves a person, but what is symbolized in baptism that saves. Augustine did not question the baptismal model whether it was splashing or diving, because in Augustine baptism could be done either by splashing or diving. Baptism is valid when it is in the right community. The postponement of baptism during Augustine's lifetime was due to the understanding that baptism really removes the power of sin so that a person who is dying (almost dead) is baptized because it is believed that it can erase sins and even past sins.
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