Doktrin Tritunggal: Tantangan Membangun Fondasi Keyakinan Kristen di Era Postmodern
Trinity, the church father, Heresy, InterpretationAbstract
The Trinity is never-ending if it is always studied, discussed, and debated. The question of God's existence remains a polemic in the world of theology, not only in Christianity but even beyond it, where the concept originating from the church fathers is questioned. However, the truth of the matter emerges from the Bible itself, which presents God's declaration in three persons. The Trinity is nothing more than a mystery of faith; only those who truly believe can understand and comprehend it. To quote Augustine of Alexandria, who said that if anyone attempts to explain the Trinity, that person will go mad. Using an qualitative method through a literatur research, this study provides a fundamental understanding of the teachings that continually distort the concept of the Trinity. Ultimately, it offers believers insight that the Trinity is God's right to express the existence of the One God through the three persons of God.
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