Penerapan Metode Blended Learning Dalam Meningkatkan Minat Belajar Siswa Kelas VII Pada Mata Pelajaran PAK dan Budi Pekerti
Blended Learning, Learning, Interest, StudentsAbstract
Normal learning has been significantly impacted by the COVID-19 pandemic in numerous institutions, especially SMP 38 Central Maluku. Nonetheless, a blended learning paradigm for Christian religious education (PAK) and character education must be created in order to raise the standard of instruction. The background of SMP Negeri 38 Central Maluku, which was affected by the COVID pandemic, served as the basis for this study. The school environment was constrained by cutting down on class time and splitting the student body into two groups. Classroom action is used in the study approach. whose execution was limited to the second cycle. The findings that restrict cycle 2 may be observed in the results of observations of student activities in learning using the blended learning technique in cycle I, which showed 66% in the poor category due to students' unfamiliarity with this method, and 65.38% in the strong category. This indicates that there is a rise from the prior one, however it is not particularly powerful, therefore cycle II was carried out. The statistics suggest that the percentage of student learning activities is 86%, which is considered fairly excellent. This indicates a rise in cycle II. Students' learning interest grew by 83.39% in the very strong category. Finally, the cycle was halted. The study concluded that using the blended learning strategy increases interest in learning. The idea for PAK teachers is to employ blended learning to boost students' enthusiasm in studying at SMP 38 Central Maluku.
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